Open Bids
St. Albans City Elementary School
Window & Fire Alarm Projects
Maple Run Unified School District
RFP Due: April 4th, 2025
The Maple Run School District (MRUSD) will be accepting bids from General Contractors (GC) for various projects within the building located at the St. Albans City Elementary School (SACS)
located at 29 Bellows Street in St. Albans City, VT. Projects involve window and door replacements along with a full building Fire Alarm upgrade as shown and outlined in the contract documents
within this RFP. The GC will be the lead contractor for this project.
This project consists of removing the old windows and doors along the front of the building (which faces towards the parking lot), replacing them in a different configuration, removal and
replacement of windows on the mezzanine level, and upgrading the Building’s Fire Alarm system completely. An alternate for this project is listed as the eleven (11) windows located in the back of
the building. Contractors need to follow the contract documents for the work as needed at the school. No students are expected to be at this school for the summer. All questions will need to go through PCI Consulting. The General Contractor shall clean up completely at the end of each day.
Fairfield Central School
Mechanical & Electrical Projects
Maple Run Unified School District
RFP Due: April 4th, 2025
The Maple Run School District (MRUSD) will be accepting bids from Mechanical Contractors for balance valve work, Temperature Control work, and Electrical work projects located at the Fairfield
Central School, located at 57 Park Street, off of Route 36, Route 43, Fairfield, VT. The Mechanical Contractor will be the lead contractor for this project. This project is outlined in the contract
documents within this RFP.
This project consists of replacing some twenty (20) balancing valves, ceiling work, temperature control work associated with these valve replacements, replacing the Boiler Temperature Controls in the South Boiler Room, balancing of the water and air systems, and some electrical work that is to install about 30 electrical outlets in a number of classrooms. Contractors need to follow the contract documents for the work as needed at the school and per the contract documents. All questions will need to go through PCI Consulting.
BFA St. Albans High School
HRU-11 unit Replacement Project
Maple Run Unified School District
RFP Due: April 4th, 2025
The Maple Run School District (MRUSD) will be accepting bids from Mechanical Contractors for the replacement of the HRU-11 rooftop unit located at the BFA High School located at 71 South Main Street, City of St. Albans. The project involves the removal of the existing Rooftop unit, new roof curb, roof work, installation of the new Rooftop unit, electrical work, ceiling work, temperature control, and piping work. The contract documents are included within this RFP. For the purposes of this RFP, the MRUSD has pre-purchased the unit. Since the unit has a sixteen week lead time.
This project consists of removing the existing Rooftop unit and replacing it with a new one. Roof work, steel work, Temperature Controls, ceiling work, ductwork modifications, piping modifications, and Electrical work is associated with this unit replacement. Mechanical Contractor will be the lead contractor for this project and is required to coordinate and procure all subcontractors to ensure a complete and finished project. Contractors need to follow the contract documents for the work as needed at the school. All questions will need to go through PCI
BFA St. Albans High School & Fairfield Central School Masonry Projects
Maple Run Unified School District
RFP Due: April 4th, 2025
The Maple Run School District (MRUSD) will be accepting bids from Masonry contractors for masonry projects located at the BFA High School located at 71 South Main Street in St. Albans City,
VT, and at the Fairfield Central School, located at 57 Park Street, off of Route 36, Fairfield, VT. Both projects involve brick or block masonry repair as shown and outlined in the contract documents
within this RFP
This project consists of either repairing or removing and installing new brick or cedar blocks in their place. Repointing at various places around the exterior of the building. Contractors need to
follow the contract documents for the work as needed at each school. All questions will need to go through PCI Consulting.
Fairfield Central School
Fuel Oil Tank Replacement Project
Maple Run Unified School District
RFP Due: April 4th, 2025
The Maple Run School District (MRUSD) will be accepting bids from Site Contractors for the removal of the existing underground fuel oil tank and installation of a new underground fuel oil tank and accessories located at the Fairfield Central School, located at 57 Park Street, off of Route 36, Fairfield, VT. The Site Contractor will be the lead contractor for this project. This project is outlined in the contract documents within this RFP.
This project consists of removing the existing 9,000 gallon underground Fuel Oil Tank completely. At this time, the MRUSD assumes that there is no contaminated soil associated with removal of this tank. Contractor to install a new 6,000 gallon underground Fuel Oil Tank as shown in the contract documents as designed by Cross Consulting. The Site Contractor will be the lead contractor for this project and is required to coordinate and procure all subcontractors to ensure a complete and finished project. The contractor shall follow the contract documents for the work as needed at the school. There is an alternate for this project, which is removal of a 1,000 gallon underground Fuel Oil Tank located by the old fire station building. All questions will need to go through PCI Consulting.