Town of St.Albans Town Hall
Saint Albans, Vermont
4.5 Million
Freeman, French, Freeman, Architects
Town of St.Albans
PCI Services:
Owner's Project Manager
Project Manager:
Nathaniel Jamison-Root

Project Overview:
PCI is proud to have served as Owner’s Project Manager for the Town of Saint Albans
new Town Hall from Pre-Construction through project Closeout. This complex project
was completed on budget despite challenging site conditions. PCI facilitated the
development and procurement of Owner Cost items, and coordinated the delivery,
storage, and installation of new equipment. Natty also procured moving services, helped
to coordinate what existing equipment was to move from the existing town hall, and
coordinated movers on the move day itself.
PCI Functions:
Coordinate with the Design Team
Coordinate with the Contractor
Budget Development and Oversight
Management of RFPs
Tracked and Produced Critical Project Elements
Owner’s Project Manager
Obtained Certifications